Visit to the vintage machinery shelter
On a cold November morning a couple of buses took of from Tartu and Tallinn to meet in the middle of Estonia. EBÜ members from several bus companies were on board.
The first stop for the bus drivers interested in technology was the vintage machinery shelter in Järva-Jaani. Along with the friendly tour guide an hour and a half was spent there because seeing the more than four hundred exhibitions and learning their stories took time.
Many got to reconnect with equipment they had worked with before. People were eager to tell their companions fun stories about working with similar equipment. The shelter manager had also had a creative approach to the exhibits – from the back of one Ikarus bus we found a Jawa motorcycle and in one Ikarus Lux there were metal bed frames instead of seats so travelling technology enthusiasts could spend the night there.
Our people really loved the Vintage machinery shelter and there were talks about returning here again in summer.
From Järva-Jaani the group moved to the Valgehobusemäe recreation centre to have lunch, share daily joys and worries and welcome the new association members.
The Chairman of the Board at Mootor Grupp, Hugo Osula, explained the present and future of the bus industry. On his initiative everyone was handed a stretching bar and mr Osula who has been practicing bar stretching every morning for six years showed the bus drivers some flexibility and stretching exercises. The company head who is in a notably good shape was a great role model for many and the bus drivers promised to continue stretching with the new tool at home.
After dinner the bus drivers got to relax in a hot Finnish sauna, after which everyone who liked got to spend the night at the resort.
The participants were very happy with this EBÜ outing. We are very grateful to the organisers and looking forward to seeing everyone again next time.